EETHAL owes its origination and inspiration from another non-profit organization called Vetrivel Foundation, which is working on translating Khan Academy website into Tamil. In late 2019, a group of teachers from Los Angeles Tamil School proposed getting their students involved in translating exercise materials as a volunteering activity. This proved to be a success and through word of mouth, more students from other Tamil schools, from Califorina and beyond, joined this effort.
After several years of diligently working to translate a vast amount of materials from the Khan Academy website, our work was completed and submitted to Vetrivel Foundation for further improvement and publishing. Since then, the group turned its focus on other translation related activities, such as translating TED-Ed videos and StoryWeaver stories.
In Aug 2023, a new organization called EETHAL Foundation was formed to further carry this work and provide more volunteering opportunities for the youngsters and adults towards societal benefit.
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